Monday, May 9, 2011

What could be so interesting?

Did I mention I have 3 little boys. We did this for a good half hour that day, twice. Hour total. It was kind of fun actually to watch them lay and spread cement in our neighbor's yard. Even with the sun in our eyes.


  1. Some of the best moments in life are free.
    And I'm so happy for all of you that you're seizing them!!!
    This makes me SMILE.

  2. You could do so many things with this picture when they're older. Cute!

  3. It is a great picture! Love that kind of boy stuff!

  4. In NH...them's what we like to call "Porch Monkeys" :) LOVE IT!!!

  5. I think the first picture is precious. That is the one I would enter some where or use in some way. Love it!
