Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dueling Trumpets

This orange beauty came from the dollar tree, purchased with David's own chore money. David's actually pretty good at buzzing his lips to get a sound out of the plastic horn.


Zach's instrument traveled a little further than David's. It came from his mission in Joao Pessoa 8 years ago. Its usual home is a nail above the kitchen doorway but it comes down every once in a while.

Our upstairs neighbor must love us.


  1. Fun! It's nice of Dave to share with Gabe. Love Dad/son time.

  2. "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, O sing the honor of his holy Name, give him glory evermore".

    Love the instruments.

  3. I want one of those Vuvuzellas from the World Cup!

  4. Mac needs a drum set to go with those horns!
