Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ice Cream "Sunday"

FHE Lesson, brought to you by the Orem Hutchins:

Do Sprinkles belong on a Sundae?

Does whip cream belong on a Sundae?

Does Chocolate sauce belong on a Sundae?

Does ketchup belong on a Sundae?

Some things belong on a Sunday and Some things don't, even if they are good on other foods like hot dogs. Its just like the Day Sunday- some things belong on Sundays and some things don't even if they are OK on the other days of the week.

(We did actually make Sundaes but this isn't it, currently I'm in transition between cameras. I'm excitedly waiting for the new one arrive.)


  1. Great analogy! Love learning more from you two.

  2. Now, I could really go for a hot fudge sundae with the hot fudge dripping down the side of the dish and waiting to scoop it up with a spoon! I guess I'll just have to dream about having one right now.
