Friday, December 16, 2011

What I love about December

You know what I love about Christmas time. I love the walk to the mail box. I love the anticipation. The other 95% of the year our mail is boring. Some days are so bad we don't even get adds, bills or requests for money. Sometimes when it is especially bad the only thing we get is OTHER people's mail who were previous tenants. But not this time of year. "You've got Mail!" and not just the electronic variety. The snail mail kind. The kind that took effort to think of, time to produce, and money to send. The kind filled with news and photos of loved ones. The kind that comes wrapped in its own little Christmas trappings. The note that says you are remembered, perhaps even cherished, although it may not be said in so many words. Something you can tape to your doorway or hang on your refrigerator. Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to get a package and that can lift my whole day right up. I hope there's a Christmas card in your mail box today. Merry Christmas and Happy Postage. 


  1. I'm all for the personal touch, be it a card or a newsy Christmas letter. I'm not much on the cyberspace Christmas cards. They are cute, but the written word is the best. I'm with you, Alana.

  2. So True! I love December my first card on the first!
