Sunday, August 14, 2011

The small plates of King David and Angel Gabriel

Or should I say, the plates of Small David and Small Gabe

This is Zach's latest great FHE idea for the boys. So far we have two entries

David of course chose as his favorite scripture story: David and Goliath

And Gabe chose Captain Moroni

You may think that it was our 3 and 5 year old children that drew these pictures, but you would be wrong. It was Zach and I. I know, you don't have to say it,  they're awesome.

Their other entry is of something they like to do with their family. One said shop for food the other said eat food. Hummm... We do do other fun things together, I promise. 


  1. Zach should stop school right now and be an artist! LOL! What a fantastic idea for FHE!!

  2. you guys are GREAT parents!
    Laughing at their ideas--how about floating duckies down the river? Or hiking vertical surfaces in rubber boots?
    (just sayin')
