Sunday, July 11, 2010

They don't call 'em Great for nothing!

There is something lovely about being a grandparent. Getting to spoil adorable children who resemble you in some vague way, and then returning them to their parents to do the dirty work of dicipline.

There is something extra special however, about being a GREAT- grandparent. You have arrived. It is a mark of acheivement. Something you can hold up to the world and say "HA, I lasted, look and see. My posterity keeps coming and coming. " Not unlike surviving a war and winning. Heck, most of them have been through a couple of wars themselves. Look on world, this is a Great grandmother. She never complains about how life has treated her and always seeks the comfort of others. If I ever have a daughter we are seriously considering naming her Ella after this woman. We'll miss our weekly visits of going to see her once we move. We love you great-grandma!

1 comment:

  1. How nice! What a lovely tribute. Ella is a beautiful name.
