Friday, November 30, 2012


Rail Barron. We spent hours and hours playing this game at Ben and Joy's house on Thanksgiving. In the end we didn't even finish one game since it was getting too late and there were little ones to put to bed. Mitch was the closest to being King of the Tracks but who knows, maybe I was on my way to an outstanding come back.
As for the rest of the day the food was good, the company was good, and the resting was good. Zach and I took our annual "Thankful Walk" together and made it through the alphabet of things we are grateful for- not the least of which is health, friends, and family. I think the ipad debuted on the list this year too though. Giving Thanks > Making wish lists.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you all had a nice time on Thanksgiving. Looks like everyone was enjoying themselves.
