Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Afternoon Buddy

(Notice how we have had to replace a few of the clear and cloudy pieces for some odd reason)
 This is my afternoon buddy. Now that Gabe is in school for a full day, when the my two youngest are napping David and I have some alone time together. It is wonderful. He is a great companion for an game of checkers or a leisurely baking session. It is also a good time for him to practice reading to me. David even likes to help me mop the floor. I treasure this unexpected time that I have with him that I haven't had for a while. I hope I remember it always.

Most of the time David wins, with a little help from mom of course.


  1. I love having Miller home. I've enjoyed each of my boys at this stage. I remember crying when Cooper began Kindergarten because it felt like I had lost my best friend.

  2. So nice to have some downtime and fun with your little guy. The Hutchins family sure knows how to keep busy with different board games. Uncle David was never enthralled with cards or board games. Have no idea why. Glad you are having fun together.
