Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A tale of two snails

I used to run, now I walk. I am the first snail. The other snail was one I happened to cross paths with on one of my morning walks. As I crouched down to examine this small creature I thought how it had form, contrast, texture, and beauty and I felt sorry for his amorphous cousin the slug. I wished I had my camera then, but of course I did not. I took the camera with me the next time just in case we should have another encounter. No such luck. I brought my trusty picture taker one more time and my persistence paid off. It had just rained the night before and there were many of my little spiraled friends out for their morning slime. Later on I took my two younger sons to go look at the snails and Daivd promptly stepped on a slug which encouraged Mac to step on a snail. Outing over. Sheesh! Here is my photo journal of sorts from that day.


The ugly relation

Papa bear, mama bear and baby bear. I wonder what they keep in the really big one? I was walking in a rather nice neighborhood obviously. These weren't their only garages.

 Someone was feeling patriotic

Rain from the previous night

                                                                                                                                                                               This mansion takes the cake. The property consumes an entire block or more. Can you see the red carpet rolling down the front steps? Just imagine hearing the fountains in the background. You can't actually see the fountains though because they are behind the 8 foot wall that surrounds the entire estate. (this picture is taken through the front gate)

Yes, that out of focus orb is the moon, sorry about that.

An urban stream

Thanks for coming on my walk with me. 


  1. Great photos! The rainy grass one is my favorite. Very nice detail.

  2. And thank you for taking us on that wonderful walk. Your pictures are great! Ugh, I hate those awful slugs, but the snails are interesting. I chuckled when I read about their immediate demise by your sons. You are doing a great job with your camera. I also think the house with the three garage doors is very interesting. It does make you wonder what is behind each one, doesn't it. And as for the mansion, I guess we just have to "think" we hear those fountains behind the eight foot walls. Very nice, Alana.

  3. Beautiful, wifey. My favorite is the snails. I bet that would have won one of your photo competitions. The roses are more beautiful--but the snails are most interesting.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Alana! I always love to see a photographer's pictures, especially when they are first starting out. It helps me see old things in new ways. I love your perspective and commentary too! Keep it up!

  5. I love looking at houses when I walk. We'd be perfect partners. Pretty! I thought the snail trail was chalk at first!
