Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just reading in the kitchen

This is me and the wee one. We have an unspoken agreement that if he brings me a book I'll stop whatever it is I'm doing and read it to him. This happens most often when I'm doing dishes in the kitchen, sometimes cooking. We don't even bother moving to the couch, we just sit right down and read it, sometimes a few times, and then he toddles off to do the next thing on his baby to do list. It only takes a few minutes and it is a welcome break from my dishes. I told Zach, some kids are 90% work and 10% worth it, but this one is 90% joy 10% work. How'd I get so lucky? 


  1. unspoken agreements: PRICELESS!!

  2. I love these pictures. Thanks for reading to my boy!

  3. I'd stop whatever it was I was doing too if he brought me a book. :) YOU'RE CUTE!
