Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pavlov's Bell

In a famous experiment Ivan Pavlov (1927) used a bell to call dogs to their food and, after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response to the bell. This is refered to as
Classical conditioning (also Pavlovian or respondent conditioning, Pavlovian reinforcement) It is a form of associative learning. The typical procedure for inducing classical conditioning involves presentations of a neutral stimulus (the bell) along with a stimulus of some significance (the food).

This is well trained puppy dog #2

All cozy together

THE bell. I use it probably every single day instead of having to call out that it is meal time. The boys respond better to it than my voice, which they have become adept at tuning out. Its especially nice since the hope of getting to ring it themselves still apeals to their youthful zeal. If they come quickly their their fairy-good-mother grants their wish.


  1. Looks like we need to get some waders for the high tide that's on your couch.

  2. We have the old fashioned cowboy triangle for our bell. Must be a boy thing!

  3. You are kinder than I... NO.BELLS.IN.MY.HOUSE. Have you heard the story of the bell from Roger's growing up years? Let me reapeat: NO.BELLS.
    But your little Pavlovian-responders are dang cute!

  4. Love the bell idea. I have a dinner bell in my shadow box in the dining room but I've never used it. My mother used to use a cow bell to wake my brother up in the morning. He would ignore her calls but the bell got him jumping out of bed!
