Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Handy Dandy Christmas Tree

This is a tree made out our family's hand prints. The original thought was to make these into Christmas cards for the grandparents but then I didn't know how to send it without folding it all up. Now it has just turned into festive wall decoration. Just zoom in real close grandparents, its almost the same.) I was thinking that this will be twice the size when we have 8 kids! Now our family has five people but then it will have 10. A good family home evening idea for anyone looking for an activity. Merry Christmas.


  1. Um, did anyone else catch the "when we have 8 kids" part? I can't wait to see more little Hutchins babies!!! Merry Christmas Alana!

  2. Hands down a terrific idea! We did it in paint one year. Ranger's paw was the star.
