Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Boys in Bow ties

These are my boys. If you will notice they are looking quite dashing in the bow ties I made for father's day. My father in law, Dad Hutchins aka Pop Pop, is being a good sport and wearing his too, howbeit he is usually a necktie sort of chap. As some of you may know, I'm having another boy come this November so the next set of bow ties I make will have to include one more little elastic one . Aren't they all handsome?


  1. LOVE it!!
    Dad WAS a good sport... I've never in my life seen him in a bow tie.
    You did a great job!

  2. oh my goodness! that's AWESOME! dad in a bowtie. they are very cute. :)

  3. Adorable! Didn't know you were having another boy, looks like you specialize!

  4. You are going have one house full of energy! Congrats again.

  5. Those are cute. Congrats on the third boy and welcome to the club! :) I love my three little boys and I personally think raising little boys is way better than little girls, but I wouldn't really know any different! I hope your feeling well.

  6. Yes, they are great little bow ties. It was fun to see Dad in one, but I still need to learn how to tie them. We're excited you're in line for all the hand-me-downs!

  7. Very handsome young men. You are very talented.

  8. They are so cute! Horray for you for actually doing them. Your belly looks way cutier than the boys bellys!
