Saturday, September 20, 2008


Pedeothermaphobia: An unnatural fear of your children being too hot or too cold, especially at night. Fear of them kicking off the covers or sweating underneath them. A common symptom is the urge to go check the children at least before you go to bed if not multiple times a night.

I would be the pedothermiac- any other sufferers out there?

(P.S. This is a made up word- Zach teases me about it but its not an actual diagnosable condition.)


  1. i am.

    check on the girls every night - have done so since they were born. but not because i'm worried about whether or not they are warm. more so just to see that "all are safely gathered in."

  2. I use to be a lot worse. Not so paranoid now, mostly covering Miller if he's in bed with me. Made me laugh. So remember wrapping Tanner tight! Amy Jo

  3. The more kids you have the less "phobic" you'll be...just shows that you are a great mom!
