Free is a good price. Actually it is a great price, and that is exactly how much we paid for this 200+ pounds of fresh corn. A big thank you to the church welfare farm that has planted corn for the members to pick just over 45 minutes away in Greely. Our family made a little drive and came home with enough corn and bagged black beans to last us for the next year. We picked the corn Thursday evening and by the time we got home it was too late to even unload it. Bright and early Friday morning the kids and I went to unload our bounty and when I opened the van door it was like a corn sauna. Corn on the cob sweats, and the inside of my car had a warm, sweet corn vapor condensing on all the windows. After the unloading, the kids got to shucking and their youthful zeal carried them through the first hour or so. After that it was a combination of bribing and prodding but I didn't shuck a single corn cob. I was too busy in the kitchen blanching, cutting, and bagging what ended up being over 5 gallons of corn kernels for the freezer. Throughout the day the boys also made corn deliveries to all our neighbors on the cul-de-sac and we still had left overs to bring to a party and share with those I visit teach. It was good to share, an easy way to build better relationships. Corn day was l--o--n--g but very satisfying.
One of the laundry baskets of husked corn. Bowls weren't cutting it
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