Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stream and Trail

Racing our own ducks down the stream

(Can you read the sign? Lipstick ornamental strawberry. Funny name for a plant)

BYU recently opened a new stream and trail on the South side of campus. Its quite lovely. We took a family trip there this past Saturday- saw the stream, walked on the trail- check, check.

Just happy being with 'dada'

Great idea you had dad


  1. Great idea is right! Can't wait to see it. We're laughing at the difference in height in that last picture. Is his arm longer after walks like that?

  2. I was laughing at the last picture too. It's not easy walking for a one year old with his 6'8 dad. :) CUTE!

  3. Becky, I was thinking the same thing. Looks like cheeks is on his tiptoes to hold his Dad's hand. Love the pictures!

  4. Your kids SERIOUSLY make my reproductive organs ACHE. I think it's because they look so much my kids looked at those ages... I LOVE them!!
