Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hey Mom, look what I found

I went outside yesterday morning to check on the boys and see how they were doing. Gabe sees me and comes towards me holding something in his hand. "Hey mom, look what we found. Its a dead mouse." Mom: "Eek" :giggle, giggle: Put it down, Mice have germs." Gabe drops it as though it is suddenly hot. David behind him, "Its not Dead, its only sleeping!" (I'm still laughing) "Both of you come inside before and wash your hands before we do anything else, ESPECIALLY before we have a snack. " Gabe wanted me to take a picture of him holding the mouse but I respectfully declined. I love having boys, they keep life interesting.


  1. You're obviously a more seasoned mother than I to giggle instead shriek and gag. I'm afraid I would have frightened them and then offered 2nd degree burn baths as recompense.

  2. Oh Alana...brace yourself for lots more to come. I am cringing at the thought of a DEAD mouse in HAND!

  3. Nice present, Alana! They could have brought it into the house for you.

  4. My two boys are GROWN and I STILL echo what Cora said!
