Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Gem from the Ensign

"In her epic poem, Aurora Leigh, Elizabeth Barrett Browning expressed the eloquent thought:

Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.

May each of us unlatch our shoes and cram our labors with the essence of heaven, and may none of us be found plucking blackberries when a much grander, loftier work needs to be done."

As quoted by Elder Spencer J. Condie in an excellent article "Handel and the Gift of Messiah"
Dec. 2010 Ensign, p 27


  1. Haven't read this yet. I feel like I'm in the plucking backberries stage right now! Not much energy to do much of anything.

  2. i loved that part as well. I actually thouroughly enjoyed the Dec. ensign...so many insightful talks.
