Monday, September 27, 2010

Reaching for the Son

As I was driving through our neighborhood the other day I spotted this. An out-of-the-ordinary pumpkin growing on the roof of a house. There are a few more pumpkins on the ground, but some how this vine grew up the trellis of the porch and blossomed right on top. It is perched for maximum sunlight. I thought to myself, "Self, there must be a seminary lesson in here some where. Even if I can't find THAT lesson, at least it makes a neat picture."

Align Right

So behold the neat picture with the moral lesson. I thought that this could be likened to people who reach for the Son of God. (Its a convenient homonym in the English language- Son and Sun) By making the extra effort to climb, this pumpkin has an extra good spot enjoying full sunlight. What if that pumpkin lost its place? Splat. Not such a happy pumpkin any more. It would have been better if he had never climbed so high in the first place rather than to climb and fall.

But Ahhh, what a wonderful spot to be in if he can just hang on. Tis good to hang on.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!
    Hanging on is not easy--but worth it.
