Saturday, July 20, 2019

This is my Clew

Many people online have a "crew" I have a clew, as in a clew of book worms. Happily so.

 Could life get any better?

 Our most recent addition

 reading is as natural as breathing for this man.
Gabe's happy place

( A clew is a group of worms)

Playing with Essential oils

Ruth found a bottle of Clove essential oils in the new home and must have gotten some in her eye because she came upstairs crying and smelling like pumpkin pie. We rinsed it out as best we could but it was a few days before the red swelling was completely gone. That went straight into the trash.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hey mom... Look at me!

This is an essential function of Moms, to look when called upon and really see. To praise when praise is needed. I love his pursed lips. This boy is all Zoom Zoom and Doom Doom.


Meet Pludolph, the purple nosed reindeer. Gabe used a suction toy on his own nose and effectively gave himself a small bruise or "hickey."

In my own little corner

How did I get so lucky? 

Googoo goggles

6 pairs for 6 children. No replacements. No exceptions. 

Looking too cool for school 

Where Jesus Walks

Family Home Evening field trip to the temple for a walk. I don't want the younger children to forget about the temple just because they are not old enough to attend or do baptisms.I was pregnant with Alara when the angle Moroni went up and the temple was dedicated when she was just one year old. She doesn't remember going through the open house and I doubt Lincoln does either. I want them to feel the special spirit of


the Lord's house so that they can look forward to the day when they are old enough to enter into it's doors. To live in the shadow of the the most sacred place on earth is an extraordinary blessing.