Saturday, December 16, 2017
Just hanging out with cousin Owen in October, driving their go-cart. David is in little boy heaven. Of course he asked if we could get one. Keep dreaming David. 1. We don't have a piece of property big enough to drive it, 2. We can't float that kind of cash. We will just have to keep visiting cousin Owen in the mean time.
Keeping it simple.
Great to be eight Mac! He requested a simple mint ice cream cake and some simple gifts. I may not write another post about this, but Mac took a national math NOETIC test in November and scored in the top 10% nationally for his grade level. He was also first in his grade at Ridgeview. He is actually in fourth grade math, which gave him a definite advantage to start with, but there is at least one other second grader in that math class too. He will receive a medal for his efforts soon, and I'm very proud of him. Mac shines like an apple when he gets gold stars.
Mac is still happy and playful, bright and observant, wiggly and silly, tough and tender. We love you Mac <3 font="">
This is the Simple Machine's project we somehow left till the very last day to finish, which happened to be the Monday of Mac's 8th birthday. Zach is in charge of overseeing construction and I oversee the poster and report. This was our third round with this particular project so we have our system down. Surprisingly though, it did not take all night and in keeping with the spirit of the project, we kept it simple. Lever, pulley, inclined plain (axle if you count the car) and done! Mac is incredibly good with school too, which helps. This was all his brain child. If you twist the pulley, the car rolls down the ramp and launches the rock into the air. He got an A. That's really all he ever gets. I'm not bragging, we really don't have a lot to do with it. He has a gift from God.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Mac's Baptism
What I would like to say happened: All my children, including the sweet eight year old being baptized, were so quiet, obedient, and reverent. We could all feel the Spirit that day and there everyone was happy.
What actually happened. We arrived at 9:30 for a 10:00 AM baptism so I could take a few photos first. My kids scattered like marbles in a roller rink and we spent the next thirty minutes rounding up, shaping up, and hurrying up our brood. I actually was the last one to walk in five minutes late to my own son's baptism! Ahhh! How embarrassing, I should have been watching the clock better, especially since we got there a half hour early. It was especially bad since the one friend from school Mac invited, Jacob Long, showed up with his mother and they were there before we were. I was proud of Mac for inviting Jacob and hope that there were some positive feelings created but I still felt bad. The rest of the service went nicely, aside from certain amount squirming, and when Mac was changing in the bathroom he exclaimed to Zach, "It's just like taking a bath, only way more important!"

What actually happened. We arrived at 9:30 for a 10:00 AM baptism so I could take a few photos first. My kids scattered like marbles in a roller rink and we spent the next thirty minutes rounding up, shaping up, and hurrying up our brood. I actually was the last one to walk in five minutes late to my own son's baptism! Ahhh! How embarrassing, I should have been watching the clock better, especially since we got there a half hour early. It was especially bad since the one friend from school Mac invited, Jacob Long, showed up with his mother and they were there before we were. I was proud of Mac for inviting Jacob and hope that there were some positive feelings created but I still felt bad. The rest of the service went nicely, aside from certain amount squirming, and when Mac was changing in the bathroom he exclaimed to Zach, "It's just like taking a bath, only way more important!"

Mr. Sandman
Looks like it was just too cozy for David when we let him read up in our bed the other night. He must have put a rubber ball behind his head as a pillow for some reason. It didn't look comfortable at all. Zach just couldn't resist putting the pen on his face; he didn't even move a muscle.
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Cross Country
Gabe (6th grade) tried out cross country this year with his school. He has been going for runs with his dog Clarence for a year now so we suggested he try racing. Gabe really enjoyed himself and says he's planning on doing it again next year.
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