Today we joyfully celebrate David Hyrum's first birthday. Zach had to make a trip to D.C. so we will postpone the actual family birthday party, but we did put a candle in his birthday blueberry pancake breakfast. He has been such a wonderful addition to our family this past year. We love our little one to pieces. Some things that we just adore about DH:
When we put on music, play the piano or sing he will wiggle, dance, and smile
He is learning his first baby signs including "all done" waving "hi or bye-bye" "telephone" and "want".
David Hyrum is a very snuggley baby who gives great hugs and (open mouth) kisses
He is easy to put to sleep and has (finally) started sleeping through the night on a regular basis.
D.H. loves to copy his brother. If Gabe wears an eye patch or a hat David hands it to me to put on his head. David also loves to bounce on the bed like his older brother but has to do it on his bum since he can't jump yet.
He can entertain himself for long stretches of time just exploring or playing with toys.
David just took his first steps a week and a half ago. He's no speed demon yet but I'm sure he'll get there.
He loves to ride around in the little tikes car that we bought a few weeks ago. Fast or slow the kid likes to cruise. He also loves playing with little cars and trucks and buzzing his lips to go "
vroom, Vroom." (When I make his cake it will probably be shapped like a car)
David Hyrum is a blessing to care for. Thank you Heavenly Father for sending us this wonderful little boy.