"And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh;...Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh."
Genesis 2:23-24
Zach and I recently had the opportunity to be part of a discussion panel for the youth in our church geared towards helping the kids want to strive for an eternal marriage. To make it fun, it was set up like the newly wed game where they asked the couples questions about their spouses to see how well they new each other. Zach and I represented the mid-range couple having been married 4 years with small children and we were batting at about 80% I believe concerning important questions such as "how many pairs of shoes does your spouse have". The real newly weds who were married last month and the couple that had teenagers were both about the same. Then it was open to question and answer and one of the kids asked how we knew we were supposed to marry our spouse. That was fun to hear other people's experience and then recount my own. Not many people have heard me tell it, but I felt I received a pretty clear message in a dream to break up with the guy I was currently dating and then unbeknownst to me, Zach came home from his mission the very next day. I prayed about marrying Zach and the Lord told me that if I married him I'd be happy. Four and a half happy years later, here we are.
I've always thought Zach and I balanced each other out like peanut butter and jelly, a little sweet and a little salty. As we have spent more time together our personalities have naturally become more similar but he is still the calm to my stress and I am still the comfort to his long day. When I told Zach about this blog he suggested I use the analogy of Cookies and milk instead. I teased him about being the milk- tall and white and me being the cookie- golden brown, small and sweet. He took it good naturedly. I am very grateful to have someone to spend eternity with that has a good sense of humor. I've heard it said that God created man and woman differently not to compete but to complement eachother. I believe that our stregnths and weaknesses really do help eachother to grow. In the 7 or so years I've known Zach he's definatly help me grow and change for the better. He has said the same about me in the past. Zach is my blessing I'm remembering for the day- but definatly more than just bite sized.
(Notice in the scripture how the woman doesn't have to leave her parents, that's why we live with my folks instead of Zach's :o)